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openPortsTool verifica se una porta di un server è aperta, basta solo mettere l’indirizzo ip e il numero della porta da testare.
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Ho trovato un’interessante lista di servizi utili per cercare di monetizzare il proprio blog o sito. La riporto integralmente dal sito Vandelay Website Design.
Text Link Advertising
Text Link Ads (aff.) – The leader in paid text link ads.
LinkWorth – Keep up to 70% of the ad revenue.
Text Link Brokers – Make money buy selling links in a directory on your site.
Live Customer – Static HTML ads with flat monthly rates.
LinkAdage – Matches advertisers with publishers
Direct-Link-Ads – Keep up to 75% of the ad revenue.
PaidTextLinks – A smaller text link program.
Kontera – Create contextual links automatically.
AdSter – Customize your ads to match your website.
Vibrant Media – Vibrant in-text advertising. – Basic text ad service.
SearchFriendlyAds – Not live yet.
YzMedia – Another text link option.Direct Sales
KickStartCart – A shopping cart, merchant account and marketing tools.
PayPal – One of the lowest-cost choices for selling your own products.
EasyStoreCreator – Provides a package that includes hosting, merchant account integration, and shopping cart.
1ShoppingCart – Offers different packages with marketing tools, shopping carts and merchant accounts.
ASecureCart – An affordable shopping cart service
NetSuite – Full e-commerce option.
GotShoppingCart? – Free version available.
3D Cart – Includes marketing, statistics and more.
Americart – 30-day risk-free trial.
MonsterCommerce – Full of features.PPC
Google AdSense –
The industry leader.
Yahoo Publisher Network – Yahoo’s AdSense alternative.
Chitika – eMiniMalls is not a typical PPC program, it is different kind of pay-per-click product promotion.
Kanoodle – A second-tier PPC option as opposed to Google and Yahoo.
Ads-Click – You set the price per click for ads showing on your site.
AdBrite – Control and customization options.
ABC Search – Another 2nd-tier option.
BidVertiser – Large network PPC program.
Clicksor – Contextual ads program.
Qads – Ad program from Qumana.
PeakClick – Pays in Euros.
DoubleClick – Another targeted PPC
RevenuePilot – Keep 60% of the revenue.
Search Feed – Another option for targeted PPC ads.
Targetpoint – For publishers of all sizes.
OneMonkey – Keep 80% of the revenue.
Miva MC – PPC ads plus the option for contextual PPD ads.
ClickBooth – Claims to have the highest payout in the industry.Banner Ads
AdEngage – Not a typical banner ad, the’re photo ads with text.
AdDynamix – Also offers other options besides just banners.
BannerBoxes – Your keep 75% of the revenue from each click.Affiliate Programs
Commission Junction – One of the leaders. Manages affiliate programs for all kinds of products.
Click Bank – All downloadable affiliate products.
LinkShare – Claims to be the largest pay-for-performance affiliate marketing network.
Azoogle Ads – Also claims to be the largest performance-based online advertising network.
Amazon – One of the oldest and most successful affiliate programs.
Context Links for Amazon’s Affiliate Program – Auto creates affiliate links to Amazon’s products.Paid Reviews
ReviewMe – Get paid to review other websites and blogs.
PayPerPost – Make money writing about website, products, services and companies.Parked Domains
Revenue Direct – Make money from a parked domain.
Parked – Another option for parked domains.Random/Various
The News Room – Make money by placing news items on your site.
Tribal Fusion – Represents the advertising for selectively approved websites.
IndustryBrains – Has a few different options that would fall into various categories above.
Adknowledge – Options for email, web, and search engine inventory.
Yesadvertising – Lots of options, including contextual ads, email, banners and pop-unders.
ValueMedia – Several different options, including video.
Auction Ads – Make money by displaying Ebay items.
IntelliTXT – Contextual ads that include video.
PremierAd – Lots of different options. You keep 80% of ad revenue.
BurstMedia – A variety of different options. – Multiple options, including video ads.
Openads – Online advertising software.
Casale Media – You choose what type of ads you want on your site.
VC Media – CPC or CPM options.
Ads by RSS – Places ads on your website, using RSS.
AdSpaceAuctions – Sell ad space on your website through an auction.
TextMarks – Monetize your blog with text message alerts.Sell Ad Space
AdSonar -Provide content-targeted ads.
BlogAds – You control the ads that appear on your site.
Crisp Ads – name your price for direct sponsors.
ADSDAQ – Choose your asking price for ads and ADSDAQ matches you with advertisers.
AdVolcano – Set your own prices and ad sizes.RSS Feed Monetization
Pheedo – PPC for RSS feeds.
PostPostWordPress Plugin – Display affiliate links or ads before or after your feeds (other uses beside just advertising).
Feedvertising – Runs txt link ads in your feed.
FeedBurner Ads –If you use FeedBurner’s services for distributing and tracking your feeds, you also have the option of using their advertising services in your feeds.
MediaFed – Automatically inserts ads into your feed.
FeedShow – Puts PPC ads into your feed.
Fedafi Publishing Network – Monetize your feed with the Fedafi WordPress plugin.
Yahoo Publisher Network – PPC ads in your feeds.Job Boards
Joards – Put a job board on your site and keep 75% of the revenue.
Job-a-matic – Another option for making money with a job board.WP Plugins
AdSense-Deluxe – Embed AdSense or Yahoo Publisher Network ads into your blog.
AdSense Sharing Revenue and Earnings System – A plugin for blogs that have multiple writers. Let each of your writers make money from ads on their own posts.
AdSense Injection – Inject AdSense ads throughout an existing blog.
Google AdSense Referral Rotator Plugin – Make money by referring other users to AdSense.
Amazon Media Manager – Easily ad Amazon affiliate products to your blog.
WP-Amazon – Quickly search for products and add Amazon affiliate links while writing your posts.
Last Amazon Review Plugin – Displays your most recent review of a product listed on Amazon and includes your Amazon affiliate link.
Text Ads Link Widget for WordPress Sidebar – A simple widget that makes it easy to display text ads in your sidebar.
WPAds Plugin – Show and rotate ads on your blog.
AdRotator Plugin – Randomly rotates ads that you choose.
WP E-commerce Shopping Cart Plugin – Creates a shopping cart with tons of features and options for your WP blog or website.
EasyPayPal WordPress Plugin – Integrates your blog and your PayPal account to accept donations or fees.
Buy Me a Beer Plugin – Accept donations from your readers by asking them to buy you a beer (or coffee) if they liked your post.
CafePress – Sell your own products on your blog.
YAK – Simple shopping cart plugin.
101 Ways to Monetize Your Website or Blog << Vandelay Website Design
WiPeer permette di creare senza difficoltà reti senza fili P2P tra pc diversi, senza aver bisogno di router, Access point o connessione Internet.
Potete utilizzare i network ad-hoc creati con WiPeer per condividere files, giocare online e chattare con altri utenti WiPeer.
Facciamo un esempio: Siete ad una riunione con i vostri colleghi e non c’è connessione Wi-Fi, ma avete bisogno di condividere dei files.
Usando WiPeer potete creare un network tra i vostri computer e condividere cartelle.
Prendendo spesso il taxi per gli spostamenti di lavoro, capita altrettanto spesso di imbattersi in tassisti che sono dei personaggi.
A volte odiabili, ma altre volte, come l’altra sera, dei veri fenomeni di simpatia e interessanti dal lato umano.
Ho trovato un tassista della vecchia guardia, già in pensione, ma comunque ancora sulla strada per passione e per necessità. Mi ha riportato dall’aeroporto di Linate a casa, rendendo piacevole il percorso grazie alla sua simpatia e alle sue doti di… chitarrista!
Infatti, il personaggio in questione viaggia abitualmente con chitarra classica al seguito poggiata sul sedile del passeggero e, appena può, la imbraccia per fare due accordi e due arpeggi.
Dapprima mi ha raccontato un po’ della sua vita e della sua passione per la musica venuta tardi, dopo la pensione. Poi mi ha raccontato che, praticamente, suona ad orecchio non conoscendo la musica e appena può, nelle pause di lavoro, fa esercizio o va a suonare in un ristorante di amici.
Così, a un certo punto, ha voluto che sentissi qualcosa, per cui a ogni semaforo imbracciava la sua chitarra e partiva con un pezzo di bossa nova!
Ho voluto immortalare questo momento in due piccoli video, tra un semaforo e l’altro, ripresi con il telefonino e di qualità scarsa, visto anche che era notte…
Avevo letto tempo fa della possibilità di usare degli editor esterni rispetto a quello online offerto dalla piattaforma blog di WordPress.
Così ho ripreso dal mio social bookmark service un link che avevo memorizzato qualche giorno addietro di una pagina sul sito di news sul web 2.0, Mashable, dove venivano menzionati 10 blog editor.
La scelta è caduta su Windows Live Writer, perchè ben recensito e con funzionalità interessanti, come l’interfaccia grafica e la possibilità di inserire foto e immagini nel post in modo amichevole.
Proviamo subito questa possibilità inserendo proprio l’immagine dell’editor.
La cosa simpatica (e utile) è che l’editor prende le impostazioni del sito web riportandole sulla pagina in cui si scrive, dando lo stesso look di come apparirà il testo, le immagini e qualsiasi altra cosa si inserisca dopo la pubblicazione.
Al momento mi pare proprio ben fatto e la prima impressione è assolutamente positiva.
Penso che diventerà lo strumento principale per la pubblicazione dei miei prossimi articoli, abbandonando l’interfaccia scarna dell’editor inline di WordPress.
Technorati Tag: Web 2.0 , Blog , WordPress
A Computer That Works With Google, Not Microsoft — Advocates of Linux, the free open-source operating system, like to say that buying a standard-issue computer involves a Microsoft Tax, because you have no choice but to pay for Windows. New versions of Linux and inexpensive hardware …
Source: New York Times
Author: John Biggs
Mandriva CEO Calls Out Microsoft’s Ballmer — On Tuesday, Mandriva announced that it had won a hotly-contested contract to install its Linux distribution on top of 17,000 Intel-powered Classmate PCs in Nigeria. — On Wednesday, the Nigerian client told Mandriva that it would buy …
Source: PC Magazine
AdSense Integrated with FeedBurner Site Ads — There’s really nothing spookier than hollow, empty ad spaces rattling around your blog and/or web site, putting no cash in your pocket nor any extra hob- in your goblin. Before you banish these underperforming idlers to some distant house upon a lonely hill …
Source: Burning Questions – The FeedBurner Weblog
Author: Traci
Google’s worst nightmare [Brad Fitzpatrick] — Google’s worst nightmare — Our spy cameras have penetrated the inner sanctum of the Googleplex! Sneaking up on Brad Fitzpatrick from behind, we caught a picture of his “epic” Halloween costume. “He is dressed as one of Google’s largest fears!” an informant whispers.
Source: Valleywag
Author: Owen Thomas
An open letter to Steve Ballmer — Hi, this is François, from Mandriva. — I’m sure we’re way too small for you to know me. You know, we’re one of these tiny Linux company working hard for our place on the market. We produce a Linux Distro, Mandriva Linux.
Source: Mandriva Blog
Author: François Bancilhon
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